
What do I need to know when I vote in the European elections on 6 – 9 ...

What do I need to know when I vote in the European elections on 6 – 9 June? 

Very important: You must be registered at your current place of residence! If you are registered, you will automatically receive a polling card at your place of residence.

This easy-to-use website tells you everything you need to know:


You are not there on 6 – 9 June or have other plans? 

Then you can vote by post in Germany and most other EU-Countries. Simply send an email to the electoral office in your district or municipality and ask for your postal ballot documents. This is still possible until Friday, 7 June, 6 pm in Germany.

Federal electoral officer

This campaign by Avaaz also gives you everything you need to vote by post in Germany:


Tell your friends about the election too! Maybe you can all go out and vote together?