
The Vote together project aims to encourage voters to take part in this year's ...

The Vote together project aims to encourage voters to take part in this year's European elections and raise awareness of democratic participation.

From 6 – 9 June 2024 we have the chance to take part in the second largest election in the world. We are 360 million eligible voters and together we will decide who will represent us in the European Parliament in the future.

As citizens, we have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote and make a statement in favour of a lasting peaceful and united Europe.

Only those who vote can oppose right-wing extremist and anti-democratic voices in Europe. 

Vote together T-shirts were produced by Paniho in Berlin.

Vote together was launched by Between Bridges, a foundation established in 2017 by Wolfgang Tillmans to promote democracy, international understanding, LGBTQ+ rights and the arts.